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  • How do I record my volunteering hours?
    1. Press the tab "Log Hours" 2. If you aren't already logged in, log in 3. Fill in the information accordingly Activity Date: Enter the date you did the volunteer activity, not the date you're logging the activity # of Hours: Record the number of hours you did the volunteer activity for Brief Description of Activity: Describe what you did in 1-2 sentences Volunteer Advisor Contact Info: Enter either the email address or the phone number of the volunteer supervisor/organization (if it is a BASIS teacher, simply put their name (e.g. "Mr. Johnson")) NHS Sponsored: Click the box if the volunteer activity was NHS-Sponsored 4. Once you press submit, make sure it says "Thanks for Submitting!" on the bottom. If it doesn't, refresh the page and resubmit 5. ONCE YOU RECORD YOUR HOURS, YOU MUST REFRESH THE PAGE TO RECORD ANOTHER ACTIVITY, OR ELSE IT WON'T REGISTER
  • How do I view my recorded hours?
    1. Click on your username on the top right after logging in 2. Click on "View Hours"
  • What if I made a mistake when entering my hours?
    Email us ( We'll edit your hours in our database manually
  • Do I have to submit the paper hour log form if I submitted my hours on the website?
    Yes. Hour submissions will still be done through paper forms, but you can record your volunteering hours online to keep track of them.

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